Seven oil companies excluded for producing unacceptable levels of emissions
Five coal companies excluded for surpassing coal production thresholds
Four companies placed on observation list for potential future exclusion
Invitation to Digital Press Conference on May 18th
Two days before the leading German private bank Deutsche Bank holds its annual general meeting, Urgewald, together with experts from Guyana and Japan, will shed light on recent fossil financing projects of the bank that contradict its commitment to the Paris Climate Accord.
Barclays has invested $118 billion in fossil fuels since Paris Agreement
The bank is Europe’s biggest investor in fossil fuel companies
Standard Chartered is UK bank with biggest investments in coal companies
World’s second-largest insurer excludes coal companies from 2023 on
Companies with 25% coal share of revenue or 50 mill annual production affected
Allianz catches up with AXA, but doesn’t overtake this time