Who we are

Imagine...you could cut off the money supply of climate killers, prevent a nuclear power plant from being built, strengthen human rights in development projects and block loans for cluster bombs. The environmental and human rights organisation Urgewald stands for all of this.

Urgewald starts exactly where the problems arise: in the boardrooms of politics and business. With this “lever” a comparatively small organization can achieve great things. It is a pleasure for me to support you.

Sabine Haupt, Supporting Member
urgewald auf dem Kirchentag in Berlin

How Urgewald works

"Wir müssen um jedes Zehntel Grad kämpfen!"

Heffa Schücking

Interview mit urgewald-Gründerin und -Geschäftsführerin Heffa Schücking aus dem Tagesspiegel.


    Bild Anprechpartner   Andrea Soth

    Andrea Soth
    Finance Management and Head of Fundraising
    andrea [at] urgewald.org
    +49 (0)2583/30492-10

→  Unser Team