Illustration Entwicklungsbanken
World Bank & Co.

How banks endanger people & the environment with their projects

They are called the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank or the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. These multilateral development banks work on behalf of states. Germany is one of the most important shareholders. Time and again, many of the projects worth billions disregard human rights, destroy the environment and harm the climate. Together with our partners, we want to change this.

The World Bank in Guyana - Documentary

Carbon Bomb

Off the coast of Guyana and Suriname lies one of the largest crude oil discoveries in recent history: 13.6 billion barrels of oil and 960 billion cubic meters of natural gas lie dormant in the deep sea. ExxonMobil is the leading company in this massive oil production program. The company benefits from the fact that Guyana has received substantial budgetary and technical support from the World Bank to develop an oil sector. Together, "Big Oil" and the World Bank Group risk making Guyana the latest victim of the oil curse while further fueling the global climate crisis. Yet the country's existence is already massively threatened by rising seas. This is because the main settlement and arable areas lie two meters below the water level. Read more in this travel report:

Everything the World Bank is currently doing is to prepare the ground for investors and other financially powerful people in this world.

Urgewald Campaigner Knud Vöcking

Kurz erklärt: Was sind Beschwerdemechanismen?

Als zentrales Organ der Entwicklungspolitik bestimmt die Weltbank viel über den Inhalt und die Form konkreter entwicklungspolitischer Maßnahmen. Diese haben jedoch zu häufig negative Auswirkungen, wie zum Beispiel Menschenrechtsverletzungen oder Umweltschäden. Beschwerdemechanismen, wie das Inspection Panel der Weltbank, gelten in diesem Rahmen als Chance, Einfluss auf die Kreditvergabe zu nehmen. Sie sollen negativ betroffenen Menschen zu ihren Rechten verhelfen. urgewald arbeitet deshalb daran, die Beschwerdemechanismen und die zugrunde liegenden Umwelt- und Sozialstandards zu stärken.

Kurz in einer Grafik erklärt: Beschwerdemechanismen der Weltbank

Graphic Recording Beschwerdemechanismen

Gezeichnet von Eva Planet


Making the World Bank bigger before addressing its transparency and accountability deficits would be a disaster for our planet and its people. We demand a better bank first.

Ute Koczy, Senior Adviser at Urgewald

This is how Germany participates in multilateral banks (invested capital and voting share)

Map Germany and Multilateral Banks


Press Release

Climate Activists Mark President Ajay Banga’s Bullish First Year at the World Bank

Activists placed a cutout of the Wall Street bull outside the World Bank Group office in Washington, D.C. to mark the delivery of petition signatures and a group letter asking President Ajay Banga to oust Wall Street influencers by abolishing his newly-created advisory body, the Private Sector Investment Lab.


    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Dustin Schäfer

    Dr. Dustin Schäfer
    Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
    dustin [at]

    Bild Anprechpartner   Ute Koczy

    Ute Koczy
    Campaigns and Multilateral Development Banks – main focus on World Bank
    ute.koczy [at]
    +49 (0)2583/30492-0

    Bild Anprechpartner   Knud Vöcking

    Knud Vöcking
    Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
    knud [at]
    +49 (0)2583/30492-14

    Bild Anprechpartner   Jannis Perzlmeier

    Jannis Perzlmeier
    Energie-Campaigner im Team Multilaterale Finanzinstitutionen
    jannis.perzlmeier [at]

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