Press Releases & Media Infos

Media Info
  • The first global compilation of companies arming warring states
  • Between 2015 and 2020, states involved in the wars in Libya, Yemen, and the Kashmir conflict received the most arms deliveries
  • Politicians and the finance industry must act: The arms industry needs stronger regulation and should not be classified as social or sustainable
Press Release

Report: IMF Must Curb Its Support for Fossil Fuels

Berlin / Washington, D.C. 25.04.2022

The International Monetary Fund and its shareholders are working at cross-purposes with their own stated climate commitments and goals by driving fossil fuel dependency in countries around the world through the institution’s lending, surveillance and capacity building activities. According to a technical brief released today from Friends of the Earth, Gender Action, Urgewald, Recourse, and Oil Change International, the IMF must stop undermining countries’ just transition away from fossil fuels in order to align with its own climate goals and shareholders’ climate agendas.