Press Releases & Media Infos

Press Release

BlackRock Net-Zero Commitment Under Scrutiny

New York, Berlin | January 26th 2021
  • BlackRock CEO Larry Fink today published his annual letter to its clients, focusing for the second year in a row on climate announcements, including a request for all companies to adopt “net zero” compatible business plans
Press Release

One Year On: BlackRock’s Fossil Fuel Addiction

Paris, Berlin, January 13th 2021
  • New report reveals BlackRock’s high levels of coal exposure and climate inaction - with $85bn worth of assets managed by BlackRock invested in coal companies
  • Findings come on anniversary of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s commitment to sustainability, and just days before Fink’s annual letter for 2021
  • BlackRock coal policy affects just 17% of industry
  • The policy applies to less than a third of BlackRock’s assets under management, as it ignores passive management
Press Release
  • NGO report highlights companies pushing forward 12 new fossil fuel mega-projects 
  • Affiliated emissions would use up most of the remaining carbon budget
  • Financiers provided $1.6 trillion in loans and underwriting to these companies since January 2016
  • As of August 2020, investors owned $1.1 trillion in bonds and shares in these companies
Press Release


  • More than half of the companies on the GCEL 2020 are based in Asia
  • Net-zero goals increase pressure on financial institutions in China, Japan, and South Korea
  • Investors, banks, and insurers in risk undermining their countries’ respective net-zero goals