Webinar: World Bank Action Day: Just Clean Energy for a Livable Planet


The World Bank’s mission is clear: End poverty on a livable planet. But why is it still funding fossil fuel projects that drive climate change and ecological destruction? As their Annual Meetings approach, in this webinar we’ll explore how the World Bank can honor its mission. Let’s call on the World Bank Group to stop funding fossil fuels and to just fund clean energy for a livable planet.

A webinar co-organized by the Climate Reality Project and Urgewald.

Register now: https://climatereality.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TlkjNB-sT-aMLzJa2wCukQ?fbclid=IwY2xjawF8wmVleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHWdgVScSZBG5iZXyxVe6HUlYmnM_I6odNl7BrnGZBd_CCQHiaQ2nM0Ly9g_aem_tSRDv_WBp1z8k2adcihMOw#/registration

More info about World Bank Action Day: https://worldbankactionday.org/

16.10.2024 | 8 pm (Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom Stockholm, Vienna)
Online (via Zoom)