Press Releases & Media Infos

Media Info

The Chinese government is systematically trying to channel into and anchor its view of universal human rights in international institutions such as the UN Human Rights Council. A joint project of the human rights organizations Amnesty International and Urgewald has therefore identified ten important terms or phrases used by the Chinese government that are already on their way to becoming new standards.


300 years of coal mining in Kuzbass: No reason to celebrate

Kemerovo, Berlin | July 8th, 2021

This week, festivities in Kemerovo, Russia, celebrate the 300th birthday of Kuzbass as a mining region. Meanwhile, most of the residents have nothing to cheer about. Kuzbass is a pollution hot spot. Tom River, where the first coal deposit was found 1721, is the most polluted water body in the area. “Black Sky” events, and with it black snow, are getting more common every year. Under those conditions it is no surprise that Kuzbass is a region with high cancer rates and is leading the country in infectious diseases.

Press Release

Today, the World Bank Group released its new Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for 2021-2025.

The CCAP represents a colossal failure to end the Bank’s long-standing support for fossil fuels.

The Bank has also rejected requests from civil society and World Bank shareholders for a public consultation on a full draft of the plan. The World Bank’s press release notes the Bank, “will regularly update its Board on the implementation of the Action Plan,” without providing further details of what aspects of the plan it will report on.