Status: Proposed
TimeFrame: 2020-?
Area: Istanbul, Turkey
AIIB Investment Amount: EUR 125 million
Total Project Cost: EUR 1.2 billion
Co-financier: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and other Lenders: Rönesans Holding A.Ş. (Rönesans or the Sponsor), Meridiam SAS (Meridiam)
E&S Category: A
Project details:
The Project aims to complete the eighth section of the long-term project (20 years) North Marmara Highway (NMH and is part of the long-term (20 years) General Directorate of Highways (KGM)’s Development Program), planning to connect Asia and Europe. Constructing a 30.64-kilometer toll road, including a cable-stayed bridge, linking Nakkaş and Başakşehir in Istanbul. Once completed, it's expected to boost economic activity in Istanbul, improve regional connectivity, ease city traffic jams, promote electric vehicles, and prioritize climate-resilient design against extreme weather.
Project Concerns:
Significant land acquisition and involuntary resettlement; presence of cultural heritage sites (12 sites), biodiversity:
1. The Project involves the substantial acquisition of land and involuntary resettlement, impacting areas with cultural heritage sites (12 in total) and affecting biodiversity. The total land area to be permanently acquired by the Project is approximately 550 hectares. The Project will influence 1,523 land parcels, with over 80% privately owned, and one-third being agricultural land.
2. In addition to economic displacement, the Project will physically displace 8 households and 14 businesses. Five businesses will be partially affected by land acquisition but will still be able to continue their operations. A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been developed to outline mitigation, compensation, and livelihood restoration measures.
3. The Project crosses through internationally recognized areas: the International Bird Area (IBA) and Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), as well as the West Istanbul Grasslands Important Plant Area (IPA). The assessment has concluded that these areas are heavily degraded and can no longer support biodiversity.
Further information:
AIIB Website
Environmental and Social Action Plan
Science Direct Study
Last update: 07.02.2024

Dr. Nora Sausmikat
China desk/Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
nora.sausmikat [at]
+49 030 86329 22 32

Dr. Dustin Schäfer
Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
dustin [at]