AIIB Watch Cases

National Motorway M-4 (Shorkot-Khanewal Section)

Status: Approved
Timeframe: 2016-2022
Area: Punjab Province, between Shorkot and Khanewal
AIIB Investment Amount: 100 million USD
Total Project Cost: 273 million USD
Co-financier:  Asian Development Bank; Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office United Kingdom; Government of Pakistan

E&S Category: A


Project details: The project constructed a 62 km four-lane, access-controlled motorway connecting Shorkot and Khanewal in Punjab Province, which was the last missing section of the national motorway M-4 to be constructed.

Project Concerns: The project forced resettlement of 2754 persons, alongside the acquisition of approximately 1616.7 acres of private land spanning 35 villages. This acquisition encompassed 4715 acres of agricultural land, subsequently withdrawn from productive use.

The project led to the felling of 91661 trees.

During  a field visit of PakAid in August 2023 to the  affected areas, it was revealed that proper consultations were not conducted with residents, and landowners were not asked for price for their land. Most residents, being illiterate, were told to sign documents and collect payment without fully understanding the process. Additionally, people were not informed about the complaint mechanism. When they lodged complaints at the Deputy Commissioner Office, their grievances were rejected and redirected to the NHA (National Highway Authority) in Islamabad. The lengthy distance from Shorkot to Islamabad disheartened the residents, leading them to abandon their efforts.


Organization monitoring: PakAid Pakistan


Further information: AIIB Page, PakAid Case Study


Last update: 26.05.2024


    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Nora Sausmikat

    Dr. Nora Sausmikat
    China desk/Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
    nora.sausmikat [at]
    +49 030 86329 22 32

    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Dustin Schäfer

    Dr. Dustin Schäfer
    Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
    dustin [at]

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