AIIB Watch Cases

Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project

Status: Approved
Timeframe: 2016-2019
Area: Rural areas and North Dhaka, People's Republic of Bangladesh
AIIB Investment Amount: US$ 165 million committed; US$ 144.22 million disbursed; US$ 20.88 million cancelled.
Total Project Cost: US$ 262.29 million
Co-financier: Stand-alone project. Financing gaps will be covered by the Government or the respective Executing Agencies (EAs).

E&S Category: B

Project Details: The project has the issue to enhance distribution capacity and increase the number of rural and urban electricity consumers in Bangladesh.

Resettlement: Due to the construction work more than 5,000 hawkers were displaced from an area, but they never received compensation since the area was not listed in the E&S review.

CSO reports and organizations monitoring: BIC (2019): Dangerous Distractions Report

AIIB interactions to date: Publication Dangerous Distractions has been shared with AIIB management and shareholders

Further information: AIIB PageGender Action Scorecard


Last update: 31.12.2023


    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Nora Sausmikat

    Dr. Nora Sausmikat
    China desk/Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
    nora.sausmikat [at]
    +49 030 86329 22 32

    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Dustin Schäfer

    Dr. Dustin Schäfer
    Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
    dustin [at]

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