Status: Proposed
Timeframe: 2018-?
Estimated Date of Board Consideration: 2019 Q4
Area: Tamakoshi river/basin in Janakpur, Nepal
AIIB Investment Amount: US$ 112 million
Total Project Cost: US$ 165 million
Co-financier: GoN/NEA
E&S Category: A
Project Details: The project aims to bridge the supply and demand gap by injecting extra power into the national grid, while also contributing to grid stability and meeting the daily peak demand.
Capacity: 101 MW
Resettlement: According to early estimates in the Project Summary, 35 households (consisting of approximately 177 individuals) are expected to be affected by land acquisition impacts, primarily in terms of economic displacement, with only two of these households expected to experience physical displacement.
CSO reports and organizations monitoring: Case Study from urgewald & CEMSOJ
Further information: AIIB Page
Last update: 07.02.2024

Dr. Nora Sausmikat
China desk/Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
nora.sausmikat [at]
+49 030 86329 22 32

Dr. Dustin Schäfer
Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
dustin [at]