Status: Approved
Timeframe: 2017-2021
Area: Between Chittagong and Bakhrabad, People's Republic of Bangladesh
AIIB Investment Amount: US$ 60 million
Total Project Cost: US$ 453 million
Co-financier: ADB: US$ 167 million; Government of Bangladesh: US$ 226 million
E&S Category: A
Project Details: The project sets out to improve efficiency in gas production at the Titas Gas Field and to build a 181 km pipeline between Chattogram and Bakhrabad.
Resettlement: According to the updated Resettlement Plan by the ADB from October 2021, in total 802 title-holding households will be displaced by the project. Another 101 non-titled households also face resettlement. While not suffering the loss of residential structures, nearly 8000 further households are in some way affected by land acquisition.
CSO reports and organizations monitoring: Bank Information Center Europe, Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN) and NGO Forum on ADB, July 2019 – Dangerous Distractions
AIIB interactions to date: Publication Dangerous Distractions has been shared with AIIB management and shareholders.
Further information: AIIB Page; Gender Action Scorecard
Last update: 31.12.2023

Dr. Nora Sausmikat
China desk/Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
nora.sausmikat [at]
+49 030 86329 22 32

Dr. Dustin Schäfer
Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
dustin [at]