AIIB Watch Cases

Bangalore Metro Rail Project - Line R6

Status: Approved
Timeframe: 2017-2021
Area: Gottigere to Nagavara in Bangalore, Republic of India
AIIB Investment Amount: US$ 335 million
Total Project Cost: US$ 1.785 billion
Co-financier: EIB, Government of India, Government of Karnataka

E&S Category: A

Project Details: Line R6 is to run 22 kms (7.5 km elevated and 14.5 km underground), north to south across Bangalore’s heart and important commercial centers.

As of the end of October 2023 the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has received 712 complaints, 672 of those have been resolved and further 40 complaints are being attended to. Generally, most of the grievances received are resolved at the level of General Manager (land acquisition) and Director (Projects and Planning).

Resettlement: The Project will require the acquisition of about 26 ha of land and will include both permanent and temporary land acquisitions and involuntary resettlement of some residential households and businesses. Approximately 800 households are expected to be affected. In November 2019, the Technical Training Centre for the Deaf (TTCD) students were relocated from their campus without proper consultation or resettlement planning as their residential building was demolished for the Line R6 Cantonment station. This led to a loss of 2.5 years in education and hindered their ability to find employment and live with dignity. Currently, the EIB Complaints Mechanism is mediating a process between Growthwatch, representing the students and parents, and BMRCL to monitor reparations.

CSO reports and organizations monitoring: Growthwatch

Further information: AIIB Page; AIIB Project Implementation Monitoring Report; Gender Action Scorecard; TTCD Case Study


Last update: 29.02.2024


    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Nora Sausmikat

    Dr. Nora Sausmikat
    China desk/Campaigns on Multilateral Development Banks
    nora.sausmikat [at]
    +49 030 86329 22 32

    Bild Anprechpartner   Dr. Dustin Schäfer

    Dr. Dustin Schäfer
    Team Lead Campaigns Multilateral Financial Institutions
    dustin [at]

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