Making a difference together!

30 years Urgewald

30 years ago, Urgewald was conceived in a flatshare's kitchen. A leopard logo quickly followed, a modern version of which is still our trademark. The fact we are still around after all this time is bittersweet. How wonderful a world would be that no longer needed us...

urgewald-Büro in Sassenberg im Münsterland und Logo

However, the environment and human rights are still in danger. You can judge the success of Urgewald's approach on the first five years of our Global Coal Exit List: More than 60 well-known international financial institutions have adopted or tightened policies to exclude coal plant developers. Over 70 financial institutions now have concrete end dates for coal financing and investments. Many insurers no longer provide services to coal companies and their projects.

Meldung, dass Axa RWE aus seinem Portfolio wirft

Our second database, the Global Oil & Gas Exit List, is just one year old, but 125 financial institutions are already using it. Among them, we count the French insurer AXA as well as Ostrum, France's fourth-largest asset manager. What we have set in motion can no longer be stopped. Urgewald is more effective than ever and will still be sorely needed in the future.

Meldung: urgewald präsentiert die Global Oil & Gas Exit List auf der COP26

A gift to ourselves for our 30th birthday: the Finance Campaigner School

We are making sure to grow and develop the Urgewald principle "Follow the money!" For our 30th birthday, we gave ourselves the gift of the Finance Campaigner School. In training sessions, we pass our knowledge to activists around the world and support them as they develop their own finance campaigns. During the initial phase, we had 22 participants from 17 countries. We share our knowledge. THIS increases our efficacy.

Logo der Finance Campaigner School mit Kolibri

Places of origin of the participants in Urgewald's first Finance Campaigner School

It is incredible to take part in Urgewald's Finance Campaigner School. Campaign strategists from all over the world are learning from the organization's 30 years of experience. It will help us immensely to carry out effective finance campaigns in the Philippines.

Aryanne De Ocampo (Philippines) Center for Energy, Ecology and Development

We say thank you!

We are especially grateful to all our supporters who enable our work. Together we have made a big difference. For that - a heartfelt thank-you! If you feel like giving yourself and us a present, please consider a donation for our 30th birthday, for example to support Urgewald's Finance Campaigner School. In this way, we can make a difference together. Thank you very much!

30 Jahre urgewald Logo mit Leopard und Kolibri